
UAW Members at CNHi Strike for Improved Standard of Living, Retirement Benefits and a Better Work Environment | UAW

Racine, WI, Burlington, IA – UAW CNHi members struck at noon, May 2, after the company failed to present an agreement that met member demands and needs.

“Our members at CNHi strike for the ability to earn a decent living, retire with dignity and establish fair work rules,” said Chuck Browning, Vice President and director of the UAW’s Agricultural Implement Department. “We stay committed to bargaining until our members goals are achieved.”

UAW President Ray Curry said the almost one million UAW retirees and active members stand in solidarity with the striking workers at CNHi. “All UAW members are united with UAW CNHi workers,” Curry said.

Curry noted that, “UAW CNHi members have worked through the pandemic after the company deemed them essential, to produce the equipment that feeds America, builds America and powers the American economy. They are a strong united union voice on the picket line they can make a difference for working families here and throughout the country.”

Over 1,000 members at CNHi locations in Racine, WI and Burlington, IA set up pickets. “Our members are working in solidarity and ready to hold out and fight for a contract they believe meets their needs,” said Ron McInroy, director of UAW Region 4. “Our members and their families appreciate the community support they have already gotten. Strikes are never easy, but the fight for better working conditions at work is worth it.”

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